Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas in Wilton

This Christmas we were able to go to Wilton and celebrate with two of the three McCormick brothers and Papa McCormick (aka, Dad). Dave, the eldest of the four, and his family couldn't make it so the rest of the clan sent them a video message.

It was really fun to see the family and catch up. Usually the family gatherings are so big that you only get a few minutes here and there to say hello to everyone but this year, it was just the boys, their families, and their Dad.

In this video, I think some of the group was sending another message to the "other" Palo Alto McCormicks :-) (that's Dave and his family) while the other half of the group was in on another convesation.

Hilarious! And in case you couldn't tell, Paula is REALLY excited to become an Aunt - again!

Don't forget to check out the baby's blog to get an update. 81 days until our little one arrives!!

Merry Christmas to ALL!

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