Saturday, December 5, 2009

Black Friday

Three years ago we began a tradition with our friends, the Kopeck's, where we meet them in San Francisco for a night out in the city.

This year my camera never surfaced from the depths of my handbag but we can tell you it was fun, as usual. We started the evening at Chez Papa Resto for drinks and dinner. Our friend Mark joined us as well. I think the hit in the cocktail category was the blood orange margaritas. The food, ambiance, and of course, company were perfect! A definite must go back dining experience.

After dinner we headed to the Lava Lounge to meet up with another friend, Rob, for more cocktails. We've been there a couple of times now and the scene is always inviting. Great music, great crowd, and although we haven't tried them yet, the light bites look delicious.

Already looking forward to next year...

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