Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Big news on the homefront

It's official.
We're having a baby!
Crazy! Exciting! Scary! Does this mean we have to finally grow up?

We've been keeping a blog about the baby's progress but didn't officially publish it until the other day.
Check it out http://littlemackblog.blogspot.com/

Now, to answer the obvious questions:

1. I'm feeling ok - not bad, not good. Sort of "eehh". Headaches and insomnia have been brutal. No real food cravings but I'm hungry all the time. The first few weeks I couldn't even look at meat but I'm ok now.

2. We are NOT finding out the gender of the baby. Some of you find this disappointing but we decided that there aren't many things in this world that can genuinely surprise you at this level. And we aren't partial to one gender over another; we just want a healthy baby. Oh yeah, and I'm not a fan of the color pink so even it it's a girl, don't expect to see her in a lot of pink outfits. It's ok to dress babies in all black, right? It's slimming...

3. We don't have names picked out - not even close! We are however, toying with the idea of naming "the kid" something Irish/Scottish or Italian or a combination of the two (we never were able to get a straight answer from Brian's Dad if they are Irish or Scottish. We claim Irish in pubs and of course on St. Patrick's Day. But his mother is 100% Italian - no doubt about it. I am a mix of Scottish, Italian, and Norwegian).

4. Yes, we will post updates! Even pictures if you promise not to gasp at the weight gain.

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