Monday, July 20, 2009

Return of the Boy King

After 30 long years, the King Tutankhamun exhibit has returned to San Francisco!

King Tut, as he is more commonly known, was one of the last Kings of Egypt's 18th Dynasty. He ruled from for nine years until he mysteriously died. In 1922 Howard Carter dicovered the tomb of King Tut and today it is shared with all of us to see a glimpse into the life of this treasured Boy King.

Tutankhamun's mummy and the inner sarcophagus have never left the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, but 50 personal articles found in his tomb are on exhibit for all to see. It's really a magnificant exhibit and definitely worth seeing. Click here for more information on the history of King Tutankhamun and the exhibit at the De Young.

We're members of the museum, which basically doesn't mean much except that you get to purchase tickets early and at a discount and the line we had to wait in was shorter than the general public. Regardless, it's well worth the money and your time. And, if you're really eager, across the park houses the recently opened California Academy of Sciences. We haven't been yet but it's on our "to do" list.

Upon exiting the exhibit, of course, they feed you into the gift shop. We had fun taking pictures of ourselves in the King Tut hats. They even sold little ones for kids. I'll bet a lot of kids will dress up as King Tut for Halloweeen this year.

After our fun filled day at the De Young, we joked about the Steve Martin SNL King Tut skits and found this funny video on youtube

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