Monday, May 18, 2009

May Fete

Our neighborhood hosts a May Fete celebration each year. Like all of our neighborhood gatherings, it would not be complete without our famed donkeys, Pericles, or Perry for short and Miner. Did you know that Perry is the inspiration for the donkey used in the movie "Shrek"? He's quite a celebrity in this part of town. The donkeys rely heavily on community support and their volunteer handlers. Almost any sunny weekend the donkeys are in the park with their handlers so that the community can meet them and learn more about them. It's a pretty cool thing.

Anyway, back to May Fete. Temperatures crept into the 90's so we took cover under trees while listening to the neighborhood musicians play their instruments (there was even a guy playing the bagpipes!), watching kids playing in the bounce house, competitive water balloon tosses, and eating yummy food.

We really love our countrified neighborhood with sidewalk-less streets and overgrown trees.

FYI, Perry is the smaller of the two donkeys. Doesn't he look like "Donkey" in Shrek?

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