Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A lot of Logans

Uncles Bobby and John came to CA from CT for a pre-conference visit. Aunt Wendy, Uncle Moe, and I came down from Northern CA and Kari from San Diego to join the family for a few days at the beach house (a.k.a., Mom and Dad's house). It's always fun having guests in town because it's a great excuse to visit places we normally don't visit. So, we explored our favorite areas of Santa Barbara, went to the Reagan museum in Simi Valley, and the Getty in L.A. before dropping the guys off in L.A. for a conference (ok, really the reason they were in town. We were just a wonderful diversion along the way).
Did I mention Uncle Bob(by) wrote a book? John did the amazing artwork for the cover.
And, he's writing another one...details later on that!

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