Thursday, October 23, 2008

I've been Tagged!

My friend Ronda was tagged by her friend Sarah to complete this survey...
Here are my responses:

Four Random Things I Like About My Husband:
1) Brian is the most genuine person you'll ever meet. He's not a b.s. kind of guy.
2) He makes me want to be a better person. (I know cliche, but it's true!)
3) He is very encouraging and supportive of me, his friends, and his family.
4) Have you seen him without a shirt on? WOW!

Four Jobs I've Had:
1) Waitress/Cocktail Waitress - I started working in restaurants in 12th grade of high school and continued until I was in my early 30's. In the latter part, it was mainly side catering gigs.
2) Meeting and Event Planner at Inamed, which sadly was bought out by Allergan. I planned many a meeting/workshops and many an event to accompany the meetings/workshops. Tradeshows, tradeshows, and more tradeshows! It was a stressful but fun experience.
3) When I moved to the Bay Area (and was laid off from Allergan), I joined a small private liberal arts college as their Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions. I traveled throughout the Peninsula visiting community colleges recruiting for the University.
4) Resume Specialist at San Jose State University.

Four Movies I've Watched More Than Once:
1) Tommy Boy
2) Princess Bride
3) Chocolat
4) Mr. Holland's Opus

Four TV Shows I Watch:
1) Ugly Betty
2) Chuck
3) The Office
4) The Biggest Loser (I want Jillian as a personal trainer!)

Four Places I've Been:
1) Italy - all over Europe, actually
2) U.K. - Lived there for a while studying abroad
3) Mexico - not just Cabo :-)
4) Amazing places in the U.S. - does that count?

Four of My Favorite Foods:
1) Sushi
2) Thai
3) Italian
4) Mexican

Four Places I'd Like to Visit:
1) Australia
2) Africa
3) Thailand
4) Costa Rica

Four Things I am Looking Forward to in the Coming Year:
1) A baby would be nice...working on it!
2) Continued success in my career
3) Major growth at Brian's company
4) Spending time with my family and friends

Four People I Tag:
1) Sara I need more blogging friends!

The only people I know with blogs are Ronda, Sara, and now Andrea (HI!!) And, since two of you were already tagged, I will only include Sara (no repeats). By the way, I read your blogs religiously and love watching Samantha and Ben grow. It's incredibly warming to the heart. Andrea, I look forward to start reading yours!

1 comment:

The Fallons said...

I was so excited when I saw you responded!!! I wasn't sure if you would see it.

And so excited to hear you are working on a baby!!

Let's get in touch next time you are in SB :)