Sunday, October 26, 2008

Let's go to the movies

Movie going isn't always a priority for us. When we have a little downtime, it's usually spent outdoors or with family and friends. However, the other night we spontaneously decided to check out a flick. Rachel Getting Married.

If you decide to see this movie, let me start by saying the acting is intense. I was easily drawn into Anne Hathaway's character's tormented soul and quickly became engaged with not only her character, but the entire cast. I do forewarn you - this is not the feel good movie of the year. You will probably walk out of the theater silent, consumed by the thoughts spinning through your mind, whilst your emotions begin to process. On a joyful note, there are wonderful scenes during the wedding ceremony and reception that warm the heart. Lots of great music and dancing. It's pretty incredible to see how diverse the families joining in marriage are.

In summary, the movie is intense but definietely worth seeing.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I've been Tagged!

My friend Ronda was tagged by her friend Sarah to complete this survey...
Here are my responses:

Four Random Things I Like About My Husband:
1) Brian is the most genuine person you'll ever meet. He's not a b.s. kind of guy.
2) He makes me want to be a better person. (I know cliche, but it's true!)
3) He is very encouraging and supportive of me, his friends, and his family.
4) Have you seen him without a shirt on? WOW!

Four Jobs I've Had:
1) Waitress/Cocktail Waitress - I started working in restaurants in 12th grade of high school and continued until I was in my early 30's. In the latter part, it was mainly side catering gigs.
2) Meeting and Event Planner at Inamed, which sadly was bought out by Allergan. I planned many a meeting/workshops and many an event to accompany the meetings/workshops. Tradeshows, tradeshows, and more tradeshows! It was a stressful but fun experience.
3) When I moved to the Bay Area (and was laid off from Allergan), I joined a small private liberal arts college as their Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions. I traveled throughout the Peninsula visiting community colleges recruiting for the University.
4) Resume Specialist at San Jose State University.

Four Movies I've Watched More Than Once:
1) Tommy Boy
2) Princess Bride
3) Chocolat
4) Mr. Holland's Opus

Four TV Shows I Watch:
1) Ugly Betty
2) Chuck
3) The Office
4) The Biggest Loser (I want Jillian as a personal trainer!)

Four Places I've Been:
1) Italy - all over Europe, actually
2) U.K. - Lived there for a while studying abroad
3) Mexico - not just Cabo :-)
4) Amazing places in the U.S. - does that count?

Four of My Favorite Foods:
1) Sushi
2) Thai
3) Italian
4) Mexican

Four Places I'd Like to Visit:
1) Australia
2) Africa
3) Thailand
4) Costa Rica

Four Things I am Looking Forward to in the Coming Year:
1) A baby would be nice...working on it!
2) Continued success in my career
3) Major growth at Brian's company
4) Spending time with my family and friends

Four People I Tag:
1) Sara I need more blogging friends!

The only people I know with blogs are Ronda, Sara, and now Andrea (HI!!) And, since two of you were already tagged, I will only include Sara (no repeats). By the way, I read your blogs religiously and love watching Samantha and Ben grow. It's incredibly warming to the heart. Andrea, I look forward to start reading yours!

Monday, October 6, 2008

A visit from Kari

Kari came into town for the San Jose Rock and Roll half marathon over the weekend. It was great to catch up and hear about her new job managing the San Diego Rock and Roll while dining on sushi with the Kopeck's.