Sunday, September 7, 2008

If You Can't Stand the Heat...

Camp outside in your backyard!
With temperatures in the 90's this week, we finally gave in to the heat and decided it was time to cool off. Now, for those of you who know me, camping means "hotel" or "luxurious motor home" so, the idea of camping in the backyard seemed awfully adventurous. Brian climbed up the rafters and found his tent (I didn't even know he owned one!) and we inflated the portable mattress - yes, I am an urban camper who needed a mattress. It was a perfect night! The temperature cooled off and we snuggled under blankets until the sun (and noisy squirrels) woke us up. Now that I know I can survive a night out in the great outdoors, I might even consider doing it again.
Then again...

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