Thursday, October 14, 2010

Splish Splash

Brock LOVES taking a bath.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Birthday, Uncle Bobby

Uncle Bob and Auntie Johnny arrived from Connecticut to visit the Logan clan in Northern California. Last night we celebrated his birthday at the famous Manresa Restaurant.

What a lovely evening. The ambiance, the service, the 13 course meal, and of course, the company were superb. It far exceeded our expectations and we so enjoyed every moment of the celebration.

Cousin Aron took beautiful pictures that captured the vibe of the evening. By the way, John made these gorgeous floral arrangements. What talent!

Happy Birthday, Bobby. We love you so very much!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Congratulations, sister!

Kari became a homeowner the other day. This is quite the feat in California and we are incredibly happy for her. Congrats sister!! We are excited to visit you in San Diego at your new condo!!

She is currently in Dallas, TX prepping for her inaugural Rock and Roll marathon that she has worked countless hours bringing to fruition. In her own words, she is also giving birth- March 14th to be be exact, and to about 13,000 runners.

Makes me feel like delivering one little baby won't be too painful.

Here she is signing away in her hotel lobby...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Love Den

My brother has lived in the same apartment for well over a decade and to be frank, it is a bachelor pad. He lives in what I call "hot chick central" otherwise known as San Francisco's trendy and lively Marina District on one of the greatest streets; Chestnut. He lives on the top floor (the third) with incredible views from his bay windows of the Golden Gate Bridge. It's really awesome.

Recently he turned 40 and decided the apartment needed makeover. This is where I come in...I love a fun project and boy, was this fun! Operation "Love Den". Okay, to be fair, I didn't come up with Love Den, Brian did. But, it is fitting; he is a bachelor and the place is lovely. Now that the project is coming to a close, maybe it will become an actual Love Den but as a little sister, I don't need to know these details. I'll leave that to the guys to discuss during their dive bar hang outs.

We spent Saturday helping Kevin hang pictures, arrange the new furniture, and put a few accessories around the room. He also painted and it's amazing what some color on walls can do to spruce up a place!

Here are a few shots of the "Love Den".

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hello 2010!

Happy New Year!!
Wow,it seems strange to say that with February around the corner. We've been meaning to blog, really we have. But sadly there isn't so much to tell that has been blog worthy. However, on the baby front, things are progressing quite well!! In about seven weeks we will be welcoming our baby. Nope, still don't know if it's a boy or a girl and still don't have names picked out. Honestly, we don't; we're not just saying that to torture you.

This weekend my Mom is in town helping us with final touches on the baby's room. From the beginning we said we didn't want a lot of stuff that would clutter the house and even being minimalistic in our approach, we've got a lot of stuff! It's been fun having her here and we've accomplished a lot of tasks on our to do list.

While Mom and I are tackling the baby's room, Brian is up to his eyeballs in moving his office. Stewart Audio will have a new home as of Monday. Not to worry, it's only about an extra 2 miles down the road. Both of our work commutes require no highway travel and are both less than 10 miles from home. We're quite lucky!

I am loving my job and incredibly proud of my students. They have been receiving their acceptance letters from their respective colleges and I couldn't be happier.
These are some of my students at our Holiday Sales Bazaar.

Brian made the observation the other day that spring must be around the corner, as he saw our local bird family coming home to nest. This will be their third year returning to our patio and we love hearing the baby chirps increase in volume and mass when food arrives. So, maybe we should be saying Happy spring is around the corner instead of Happy New Year? Then again, I'm pretty sure we still have a few more days of frost in our near future.
Stay well, all! Happy happy!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas in Wilton

This Christmas we were able to go to Wilton and celebrate with two of the three McCormick brothers and Papa McCormick (aka, Dad). Dave, the eldest of the four, and his family couldn't make it so the rest of the clan sent them a video message.

It was really fun to see the family and catch up. Usually the family gatherings are so big that you only get a few minutes here and there to say hello to everyone but this year, it was just the boys, their families, and their Dad.

In this video, I think some of the group was sending another message to the "other" Palo Alto McCormicks :-) (that's Dave and his family) while the other half of the group was in on another convesation.

Hilarious! And in case you couldn't tell, Paula is REALLY excited to become an Aunt - again!

Don't forget to check out the baby's blog to get an update. 81 days until our little one arrives!!

Merry Christmas to ALL!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Loads of Logan Fun

Last weekend we celebrated Christmas early with the Logan clan in San Francisco. What a whirlwind weekend of wonder! The weather was perfect; sunny and crisp. Our bouts of frost subsided and there wasn't a rain cloud in sight.

Sadly the camera didn't make it out of my handbag very often but our new little gadget did.

Here's a recap of our Loads of Logan fun:

Friday -
Last year our friends introduced us to the Smuin Ballet and we loved it so much we decided to see it again. This is the perfect holiday ballet if you are not in the mood to see The Nutcracker. The first half is very traditional with the pretty ballerinas in their tutus but the second half is modern and saucy! Elvis' 'Blue Christmas', 'Santa Baby', and 'Christmas in New Orleans' were a few of the many entertaining songs they performed wearing costumes to match the song. There was some variety from last year's performance and Dad didn't doze off; he tried, but I nudged him a bit - and we left covered in snow flakes! What a festive way to start off the weekend!

Later that evening we strolled though Union Square and watched the ice skaters. Here is a short video of Kari describing the scene.

Saturday -
After a day of shopping and wine tasting (check out this video from the Press Room )we met up with Aunt Wendy, Uncle Mo, Cousin Aron and his lovely bride Chelsea, and our dear friends the Kopeck's for a wonderful dinner at Amarena. As usual, the food and company were perfect! We ended the night back in Mom and Dad's hotel room (the party room) eating loads of See's candy and drinking bottles of wine.

Sunday -
By the end of the weekend we had become regulars at our new favorite breakfast stop; Bread and Cocoa. It's not really a sit down and order at the table place but hey, it's delicious and that's really all that mattered. If you visit, be sure to try the steel cut oatmeal, where they provide a toppings bar for you to customize your oats. Of course, you need to wash down your hearty breakfast with a decadant mint hot cocoa. Heavenly...

After our hearty breakfast and a short walk around Union Square, we packed our bags and headed to the airport. A whirlwind weekend indeed,but definitely fun.

Merry Christmas!!