Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Love Den

My brother has lived in the same apartment for well over a decade and to be frank, it is a bachelor pad. He lives in what I call "hot chick central" otherwise known as San Francisco's trendy and lively Marina District on one of the greatest streets; Chestnut. He lives on the top floor (the third) with incredible views from his bay windows of the Golden Gate Bridge. It's really awesome.

Recently he turned 40 and decided the apartment needed makeover. This is where I come in...I love a fun project and boy, was this fun! Operation "Love Den". Okay, to be fair, I didn't come up with Love Den, Brian did. But, it is fitting; he is a bachelor and the place is lovely. Now that the project is coming to a close, maybe it will become an actual Love Den but as a little sister, I don't need to know these details. I'll leave that to the guys to discuss during their dive bar hang outs.

We spent Saturday helping Kevin hang pictures, arrange the new furniture, and put a few accessories around the room. He also painted and it's amazing what some color on walls can do to spruce up a place!

Here are a few shots of the "Love Den".