Monday, January 26, 2009

The Organizing Bug

I've been bitten by the Organization Bug. My great friend, Sara Caputo is the most amazing professional organizer you will ever know. In addition to running her organizing business, she manages a blog filled with inspirational quotes, tips, and advice on how to become, maintain, or inspire to be more organized. Sara not only helps you physically organize yourself, but mentally and emotionally as well. Let's face it, we all have clutter - be it in in our closets, our offices, or in our minds. Folks, it's time to get organized!

Through Sara's always inspiring blog posts, I decided to spend 12 minutes per day working on aspects of my life that needs organizing. Today, I decided to spend my 12 minutes organizing Brian's closet (surprise Bri!).

Brian works really hard and his job can be stressful. On numerous occasions, he has stated how it's frustrating that he can't find anything in his closet. I can't change the stress he carries from his job, but I can help him be less stressed at home. In a mere 12 minutes, I removed all of his shirts, hung them facing the same direction, and color coded them for easier visibility. My hope is that now, he will be able to "see" his wardrobe, thus eliminating the stress created by trying to figure out where his shirts are. I didn't organize his entire closet but in 12 minutes, I was able to make a noticeable difference. Tomorrow, I'll spend another 12 minutes tackling his closet and eventually it will be completely organized and hopefully he'll enjoy the results.

Think about what you can do 12 minutes a day to organize and minimize the stress in your life.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year, Finally!

I am glad to see 2008 end. This past year hasn't been all that spectacular but I am hopeful 2009 will be better. It has to be, right? Here are some photographs that captured some of the memorable final moments of 2008...
Dinner at the Pierpont with the Wennes'
Hanging out in San Diego
Aboard the Midway
AWESOME seats at the 2008 Holiday Bowl(thanks Kari!). Go Ducks!
Brian and Kari meeting Ducks fans.